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Limited Release Program Limited Release Program

Limited Release Program

Communities that are being sold under our Limited Release Program will be identified by a banner on the community page of this website.  In communities with multiple product types, it is possible that not all product types will be sold under this program.  See the Community Sales Manager in your community of interest for more information.  For included product types the program works as follows:

Each month, a limited release of lots/homes will be emailed to the participants that have signed up on our Interest List either online or in person at the community.  In this monthly email, participants will receive a brochure with plan and lot information along with a bid sheet showing the base price, option pricing and total asking price for the released homes.  Participants will generally have up to four days to visit the community to view the lot/home, review the pricing and plan information and then submit a highest/best offer for the home or homes of their choice.  All offers will be reviewed by the Seller after the offer deadline which will be included in the email.  Prospects with winning offers will be notified by the agent so a Purchase Agreement can be finalized.  Participants will remain on the list for notifications until they unsubscribe or become a purchaser. 

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