Warranty Request Form
Every home built by The Providence Group is backed by a 2-10 Home Buyers Warranty.
Your home is covered by a 1-year Workmanship warranty, a 2-year Distribution Systems warranty, and a 8-year Structural warranty.
The 1-year Workmanship warranty provides coverage from the day of closing and establishes the standards applicable to the finish and materials used in the construction of your home.
The 2-year Distribution Systems warranty begins at closing and establishes the standards for your home’s wiring, piping, and ductwork.
The 8-year Structural warranty provides coverage for structural elements from the day of closing and defines the standards related to the structural integrity of the load-bearing elements of the home.
If you have a warranty request, please fill out the below form completely and a Warranty Service Representative will contact you as quickly as possible. If you have a question regarding a warranty request that has already been submitted, you may contact us at warranty@theprovidencegroup.com.